Colorado Zoning Atlas
The NZA central team is leading the creation of the Colorado Zoning Atlas in partnership with Housing Colorado and Arnold Ventures, building on work by the University of Colorado Denver and Radian, a nonprofit architecture and urban design group advancing social equity, which received support of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
Quick Facts for Zoning in the Denver Metro Area:
92% of residential land permits 1-family housing by-right; 8% with public hearing
1% of residential land permits 4+-family housing by-right; 8% with public hearing
96% of land allowing 1-family housing has a minimum lot size of 1 acre or greater
91% of land allowing 1-family housing permits ADUs by-right
75% of residential land has a minimum parking requirement
The following resources illuminate the local-government land use legal framework:
Colorado Department of Local Affairs Sample Zoning Codes
NZA Contributors: Liam Anthony, Devon Chodzin, Joanna Kaufman, Tara Safavian, Olivia Ranseen, Samantha Yee.
External Contributors: Ebru Altintas, Brenn Anderson-Gregson, Ethan Greene, Francesca Rossi, Hadley Peterson, Mykayla Marek, Sam Ybarra, Vrushali Lele, Carrie Makarewicz.