HAWAII Zoning Atlas


HousingNow!, a task force of Faith Action for Community Equity dedicated to addressing the lack of affordable housing in Hawai'i, published the Hawaii Zoning Atlas in 2023, with the support of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Advisors included faculty from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa.

  • Click here to view the independent Hawaii Zoning Atlas | Click here to download the zoning data collected for this atlas.

    • Regulating Paradise: A full-length 2010 book detailing key aspects of Hawaii land use law, including state and local planning, environmental regulations, and public lands.

    • ALOHA Homes: An Innovative Solution to Hawaii's Housing Shortage: State Sen. Stanley Chang, Chair of the Housing Committee, has proposed numerous policy innovations aimed to address the housing crisis. ALOHA Homes is his flagship proposal for social housing.

  • Alumni contributors include the following:

    Director: Trey Gordner

    Project Manager: Karen Coronel

    Product Manager: Kurt Malley 

    UX Design Lead: Mckenzie Bradshaw

    User Research Lead: Michelle Shuey

    UX Designers and Researchers: Luany Leone, Jonathan Wilcox, Kyle Wong, Hasan Ahmad, Jordan Danner, Amelia (Emily) Laborte 

    Visual Designer: Makinde Akande

    Development Team: Mike Avendano, Francisco Cha, Tyler Chong, Bryan Estrada, Ryan Layman, Jezrael Macaspac, Kurt Malley, Norman Sharpe, Bo Bartolome

    Zoning Code Analysis Interns: Christian Schmidt, Devon Chodzin, James Dingwall

    Advisors: Dr. David Callies, Kevin Carney, & Dr. Philip Garboden

    Special Thanks to: The Mercatus Center at George Mason University for generous funding to support this project, Code for America’s Impact Sprint program for providing project management assistance, and Code with Aloha for allowing us to be a part of their project portfolio. 

Hawaii Zoning ATlas Reveal